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Korean BBQ Restaurant View More Freshest and Dynamic Food Available. Korean BBQ Restaurant View More Freshest and Dynamic Food Available. Korean BBQ Restaurant View More Freshest and Dynamic Food Available.

Fire up right at your table

Choose from our delectable selection of various beef, pork, chicken or fish; then cook it all up on our state of the art smokeless grills, right at your table! Enjoy portions of our traditional Banchan accompanied with every meal as well as a selection from our drink menu.

 Commerce, Georgia

Table Top BBQ

We also offer several dishes to choose from, perfectly prepared for you in our kitchens. Whatever your taste, you are sure to find something to tempt your palate and our helpful staff is happy to offer recommendations or answer any questions.





Seafood, etc

Making the Delicious Premium Food!

2311 N Elm St, Commerce, GA 30529

(706) 335-0163